Archive | January 2010

Make a Great First Impression

Do you know if you’re making a good first impression?
On a first date, you want to be sure to make a
positive impact.

Come up with three adjectives that describe how
you want to be perceived by your date, such as sexy,
funny and smart. Next, take action by dressing in
something sexy, memorize your best joke and talk about
your philosophies on world events so that you are
perceived the way you want.

Conceive it, Believe it and you will Achieve it!

Are You Ready to Get Married?

When do you really know that you are ready to get married? Do you ever really know or do you go with your gut instinct, go by your biological clock or depend upon other people’s views? Well, here are my top 10 reasons that will ensure you are ready to tie the knot:

  1. You are ready to make a life commitment to another person.
  2. You have accomplished all your goals as a single person.
  3. Your priority is marriage and family.
  4. You have no doubts about the person you want to marry.
  5. You have created a “Couples Mission Statement” with your partner.
  6. You have communicated your wants, needs, desires and fears with your partner.
  7. You are willing to accept your partner exactly as he/she is without wanting to change them.
  8. You feel a mind+body+heart connection with your partner.
  9. When you are able to open up your heart to give and receive love.
  10. You believe that you have found your soul mate.

What reasons do you have to add when you know that you are ready to get married?

When you are not ready to get married

In my profession it’s just as important to advice my  clients on when they are not ready to get married as when they are ready. So here’s my top 10 reasons NOT to get married:

  1. You don’t know what kind of partner you need (not want) for a healthy relationship.
  2. Your priority is your career.
  3. If you don’t have all 5 ingredients with your partner, which are: Friendship, Respect, Trust, Passion and Open, Honest Communication.
  4. If you expect your partner to “Complete” you. They should compliment you!
  5. If you have not experienced some kind of crises with your partner such as a health issue, financial problem or family troubles. This is often when ones true character is revealed.
  6. You do not have or are not willing to have a Give-Give relationship.
  7. You want success but expect failure.
  8. When you have not discussed relationship boundaries and deal breakers.
  9. When you are not sexually attracted to the other person.
  10. When you don’t feel worthy of being loved.

What other reasons can you think of to not get married?

Hollywood Sex Secrets

I’m going to share Hollywood celebrity secrets with you on how the stars keep their sex lives sizzling hot.

Top Movie and TV stars have creative ways to keep their sex lives in high gear and they are not too shy to share them with you.

Movie Star Michelle Pfeiffer still has date nights with her husband, and looks forward to them all week.”

Oscar Winner Tom Hanks thinks there’s no substitute for a great lover who says, ‘No matter what’s wrong with you, you’re welcome at this table.”

Beautiful TV star Lisa Rinna took striptease lessons, and, as she says: “It really put me in touch and at ease with my body.”

And handsome Wolverine star, Hugh Jackman keeps his animal tendencies at bay:  “I don’t take as many risks as I used to before I was married. I want to make sure I go home to my wife and son, says the handsome and talented movie star.”

What are your secrets to maintaining the joys of sex in your love life?

Orgasm in our Genes?

Orgasm in our Genes? Give me a break! Our genes are being blamed for everything we lack from personality to orgasms.

I believe our environment, upbringing, race, religion and sexual conditioning in the early years and puberty have a greater effect on our conditioning for sexual fulfillment and gratification.

The fact that masturbation can achieve orgasm in a far greater percentage of people supports the theory that the combination of touch and imagination are more instinct based than genetic.

After all, sex is our second basic instinct after survival so let’s accept that, celebrate it and enjoy it.

Strip Club Cheating or Foreplay?

Why do women question their men when they want to go to strip clubs? Just because they want to look at other women doesn’t mean you’re not pretty or sexy enough. But it does mean that men want a change of atmosphere  hanging out with the guys and enjoying the view of new women walking around, dancing and stripping to entertain them.

Actually, his night at the strip club could work in your favor when he comes home to you and tells you that you are the one, the only he wants to make love to. That’s right, a strip club can be foreplay for a man and if you are still not convinced, try going to a strip club with him and you may be surprised at how little goes on compared to all the wild action in your mind.

Who Cheats and Why

I am so excited to let you know that I have a new eBook on Cheating called, The Loveologist Guide to Cheating; Secrets to Why People Cheat and How to Prevent Cheating

This book does not judge cheaters or condone cheating, but it is packed with ammunition on “The Top 10 Signs Your Lover is Cheating”, the “Do’s and Don’ts when you find out your partner cheated on you.” If you want to know the top 10 reasons men cheat as opposed to why women cheat, this book has the answers. It also contains step-by-step solutions that can turn a cheating heart into a loving faithful heart.

Divided into four easy to follow sections; Cheating Men, Cheating Women, Prevent Cheating and Cheating Statistics, the “Loveologist Guide to Cheating” is for anyone who wants to stop cheating, prevent cheating in their relationship, become a great lover and enjoy a healthy relationship. There are plenty of juicy tips to turn you on and protect your partner from cheating.

  • Statistics show that 72% of those who cheat have also been cheated on.
  • Men, Baby Boomers and their Generation Y offspring find the most satisfaction with cheating.
  • Males seek the satisfaction of their sexual fantasies through cheating, while females (over 56), especially, cheat for companionship.

This is a great eBook for anyone who wants to learn to put more satisfaction and passion in their relationship – which is a great way to prevent cheating. Now is the time to discover the tips to protect you and your partner from the temptation to cheat.

Order The Loveologists Guide to Cheating and get a FREE MP3 from:

John Edwards Comes Clean

The former North Carolina senator John Edwards finally comes clean admitting he is the father of his former campaign videographer’s baby,who is now two years old.

I’m not sure that his intentions are about taking responsibility for this child, but more likely a forced confession by the media’s plans to expose a former aide, Andrew Young, who originally claimed that he was the father, but is now recanting that in a new book.

Apparently Andrew Young now proclaims that John Edwards ordered him to “Get a doctor to fake the DNA results.” Wow, isn’t that illegal even for a politician? So, now we know that John Edwards is a liar and a cheater, but wait there is still more. It’s possible that he may have commingled funds to help relocate his lover to a three million dollar mansion in Santa Barbara, California. Could he have broken any more of his marriage vows and laws if he tried?

I’m not judging him for being unfaithful to his wife while she was suffering from serious medical problems, practicing unsafe sex, giving his lover money, even getting someone else to admit to the paternity, but the fact that he was such a hypocrite on the Monica Lewinsky scandal and said this about President Bill Clinton:

“I think this President has shown a remarkable disrespect for his office, for the moral dimensions of leadership, for his friends, for his wife, for his precious daughter. It is breathtaking to me the level to which that disrespect has risen.”

I admire Hillary Clinton for standing by her man, but Elizabeth Edwards deserves someone more worthy.

Hot and Dirty Laundry

Do you know how to do the laundry and have a hot
quickie at the same time?

Start making out in the laundry room while
your clothes are on spin cycle in the tumble dryer
and feel the vibrations ripple through your loins
as you lean against it. Better still, make love on
top of the tumble dryer for a unique sensation you’ll
talk about for months to come.

Do Men Marry For Money, Women Marry for Sex?

It used to be the other way around, but the Pew Research Center just reported that today’s men are marrying women whose education and income exceed their own.

The recession has resulted in more men losing their jobs than women and that reinforces this new shift of men marrying for money. Women marrying for sex may sound far fetched, but consider what kind of relationship a successful, wealthy, powerful woman would want when she comes home after a grueling day at the office. You can’t blame her for choosing a hunk to take her mind of her work.

How do you feel about the role reversal and do you think that men should be okay with their spouses making more money? Or do you believe that wives are victims of this role reversal and will start to resent their husbands because they are no longer the breadwinner?

I believe that smart women do not resent their husbands, but are grateful to them for being supportive and giving them the freedom to pursue their career goals.

But there are men out there who insist on having traditional marriages where the wife is generally less educated than they are and where she stays at home being a housewife and mother.

I’m not sure if this is truly about tradition or if the men are just insecure about women who earn more than they do, but in this day and age of equality, it shouldn’t matter who makes more money or who is better educated as long as you love  each other.